​Open daily from sunrise to 1/2-hour past sunset
Please click here to review Canine Meadow Dog Park etiquette and rules.
Canine Meadow has a large dog area (2.57 acres), a swim area (1.84 acres) and a small dog area (1.02 acres). Access to the swim area is by way of the large dog area only. Fencing is five feet high. Follow Lake Metroparks on Twitter and like/check the Canine Meadow Dog Park Facebook page for updates, news and pond conditions.
Enjoy your visit and explore other parks with your best furry friend! Dogs on leash and under control are welcome on all park trails throughout park system (always pick up after your pooch!).
Please note: Pets are not permitted in Lake Metroparks Farmpark.
Owners who demonstrate good etiquette will improve their own experience and help promote a sense of cooperation and community with other visitors.